They may have arrived in Germany, but before your new non-EU employees can start work, they must take care of some official business. Michael Seuchter, Relocation and Immigration Director for AGS Relocation Germany, explains the four administrative processes they need to follow and how you can help speed things up. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: […]

La Comisión propuso ayer un marco para una identidad digital europea que estará a disposición de todos los ciudadanos, residentes y empresas en la UE. A través de sus carteras de identidad digital europea, los ciudadanos podrán demostrar su identidad y compartir documentos electrónicos, para lo cual bastará pulsar un botón en el teléfono. Accede […]

An economic powerhouse in Europe, Germany continues to attract highly skilled expats in search of exceptional living standards and international experience in its innovative and exciting high-tech industries. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

Another month into 2021, it’s time to check in on the state of talent relocation. Short version: Moving talent to the EU is definitely still possible, but it can be tricky. We recently published an article about talent relocation to the EU in 2021, based on our vast experience moving people to Estonia, Germany, and Spain. Accede al CONTENIDO completo […]