El Consejo y el Parlamento Europeo han llegado a un acuerdo para poner en marcha un proyecto de directiva con el fin de establecer las condiciones de entrada y de residencia de los ciudadanos de terceros países altamente cualificados que vengan a vivir y a trabajar a la Unión Europea. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Gesdocument

In the corporate arena, where the constant hum of jet engines sounds as the anthem of success, business travel has seamlessly integrated itself as a cornerstone of corporate strategy. However, as we reap the benefits facilitated by these journeys, it’s essential to consider the psychological effects on frequent flyers. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Healix […]

El 7 de noviembre ha entrado en vigor para China el Convenio de la Haya de la Apostilla, lo que implica que se suprimirá la exigencia de legalización consular de los documentos expedidos en España (o cualquier otro Estado parte del Convenio) para que tengan validez en China, y viceversa. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: NPS Asociados

The European Commission launches infringement procedures against «Golden Passports» granted by Malta and Cyprus. The European Union (EU) decided to send letters of formal notice to both countries concerning their “golden passports schemes”. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Deloitte Legal

AI promises to transform the way we create all kinds of content, and is already disrupting the way businesses create and deliver for their clients. But are AI-generated works covered by copyright? And if the works are protected, is it the user, the AI itself, or the creators of the platform who hold the rights? […]

An economic powerhouse in Europe, Germany continues to attract highly skilled expats in search of exceptional living standards and international experience in its innovative and exciting high-tech industries. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

A new decision by the Federal Labour Court (BAG) includes an important change in the law: On 13 September 2022, Germany’s highest labor court ruled that employers – regardless of the size of the company and the existence of a works council – must record the working hours of their employees (Ref.: 1 ABR 22/21). […]